pH Direct – Back in motion
Knee and joint pain are a nuisance that disrupts the routine of life. Everyday activities such as walking, sitting or going up and down stairs become painful and unbearable. Bicarbonate deficiency can lead to exacerbation of arthritis and muscle inflammation. Also, chronic pain can result from a condition of chronic inflammation. PH Direct is a groundbreaking product that has changed the quality of life of many consumers—assisted in treating knee and joint infections and reducing pain.
pH Direct is the Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC). The great advantage of pH Direct compared to other Calcium Supplements is the body absorption potential: pH Direct consists of the smallest particles, so our body absorption is higher.
A lot of bicarbonate - bicarbonate is a natural product in the human body that regulates the acidity in the body. In the unique process of absorbing the amorphous calcium, the carbonate absorbs hydrogen ions and significantly increases the bicarbonate level in the cells. In this way, the acidic environment is neutralized.
pH Direct is a dietary supplement that emulates the biological process occurring in the bodies of blue crayfish, nature's most sophisticated calcium mechanism. The development of pH Direct stemmed from a chance observation of the blue crayfish. These crayfish live in a low-calcium, sweet-water environment. It is enlightening to observe how, despite their low-calcium environment, the crayfish are able to store, stabilize and utilize amorphous calcium carbonate for the rapid absorption
of the high level of calcium needed for their process of shedding and forming a new exoskeleton within only three days. While crayfish that live in calcium-rich saltwater needed 3-4 weeks for their process of shedding and forming a new exoskeleton.
Each package contains 60 individual packages of 300 mg calcium.
Daily recommended dose: 2 individual packages per day. Recommended before and after training.
Most calcium supplements available on the market are micrometer-sized particles. pH Direct consists Nanometers sized particles.
Through groundbreaking technological development, it is possible to treat inflammations effectively. Our natural body system produces limited levels of bio-carbonate to treat inflammation. The innovative development enables high bioavailability and a high dose to the inflammatory area and thus helps to treat chronic inflammations, fracture fusion, and help to recover from bruises.
Patients reported a significant improvement in the recovery process and the cessation of pain.
Hundreds of companies from around the world tried to face the challenge and develop a product that would treat inflammation, pHdirect allows the arrival and penetration of the body of nanometer minerals combined with carbonate.
1. 1 micron = 1,000 nm
2. A particle of common calcium supplement in the market is on the order of tens of microns. The average size of the basic amorphous calcium particles is Tens of nanometers, 1,000
times the size of most other calcium supplements on the market.
3. Combining the properties of nanoscale and amorphous (a unit of its kind in the world - all other calcium supplements in the world are crystalline or non-nanometric), It provides a foundation for the many benefits of the active additive in Density. These properties are reflected in, among other things, increased absorption, solubility and bioavailability, unique biological activities, and reducing the potential for side effects.