
It is very common to suffer from muscle pain or inflammation from time to time, either in large areas or in other areas of our body. This pain can cause mobility problems and discomfort daily. This article explains what causes muscle inflammation and what remedies or treatments exist.
Muscle inflammation is the reaction of the muscles when subjected to what we call stress. For example, it can be caused by overexertion while playing sports, a bad stretch, or a blow. This condition can affect one or several muscles, and the ligaments, tendons, and fascia may also be involved.
The previously named fascia is the tissue that surrounds all body organs, from muscles or tendons to cells, thus connecting all the parts of the organism.
What are the most common causes of muscle pain?
The causes of inflammation and muscle pain vary, from poor stretching before any sports activity to a cold that causes body pain.
One of the most common causes of this condition is muscle overload, which usually appears after prolonged exposure of the muscle in question to a stimulus called TUT or time under pressure. This type of discomfort does not prevent an everyday daily life, nor is it an impediment to sports, but constant pain will be noticed when making any movement.
These muscular overloads are unpredictable, but they are less likely to appear if an excellent stretching routine is ensured before and after any sports activity or outside the daily routine.
Another cause of muscle pain is an injury to muscle fibers, which is characterized by the appearance of sudden, sharp, and intense pain that is usually localized to a particular point. These injuries are generally much more painful and can prevent any movement of the affected muscle.
As mentioned above, another common cause of muscle pain can be the body discomfort suffered during an infection from the flu or a cold, which may have nothing to do with an injury.
How can muscle pain affect daily life?
Inflammation and muscle pain can become very annoying and long-lasting, causing alterations (separate) in daily activities.
If they persist over time, one of the most common problems is sleep disturbance, caused by muscle discomfort that prevents rest.
Another pathology that can appear after a muscle injury can be fatigue, caused as a defense method of the body during or after intense physical activity. But, it is more common in people who do sports regularly.
To avoid muscle fatigue, the basic advice is to rest, intake carbohydrates that help regenerate the muscles and take care of warm-ups before and after sports activities.
Inflammatory myopathies are chronic diseases that are often accompanied by muscle weakness. It is also known as Myositis. These are idiopathic conditions; that is, their cause is unknown.
The main symptoms of myositis are muscle weakness caused by damage to muscle fibers, fatigue after activities as simple as walking, or shortness of breath.
Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes tenderness in the muscles and the white tissue that surrounds them and can cause difficulty sleeping, fatigue, and even severe headaches. It is a chronic pain, and, like Myositis, its exact cause is unknown.
Symptoms of this muscle condition include pain and stiffness throughout the body, fatigue and tiredness, depression and anxiety, and numbness in the hands and feet. Also, sleep disturbances can be caused by fibromyalgia.
The pathologies that cause muscle pain are usually difficult to diagnose since sometimes the common knowledge of several specialists is necessary for its final diagnosis.
Regarding the diagnostic tests that can be useful in these cases, we find several:
EMGs help assess the health of the muscles and the motor neurons that control them. It consists of a graphic record of the electrical activity of the different strengths of the body. It is done by inserting a fine needle into the muscle or area to be explored.
Another technique for diagnosing muscular pathologies is a biopsy, that is, the extraction of tissues and cells from the specific muscle and their examination under a microscope. This test will help to know if the examined muscle has any disease or infection.
Ultrasonography may also help show the spasmodic response at specific points in the muscle. This way, it will be possible to check if the muscle suffers any injury.
Other tests, such as X-ray or MRI, are not as helpful in this case as they do not show pathological changes in the muscle or connective tissue.
Treatments for muscle conditions will depend on the type in question, but in all of them, it will be necessary to take muscle relaxants to help reduce pain and inflammation. In the case of chronic pathologies, they will be palliative treatments.
Some non-physical treatments that will help are corticosteroids, ice in case of inflammation, and compression bandages that prevent muscle mobilization for a speedy recovery.
Even so, seeing a specialist when any muscle pain appears to guarantee the best diagnosis and treatment is always recommended.
Physiotherapy for muscle pain
Physiotherapy treatments will be decisive in the case of muscular injuries since they will constitute the main rehabilitation treatment for ailments.
This will be the most painful part of the treatment since the muscle will be stimulated to return to its initial state, but once the discomfort has passed, it will help relieve pain and recover damaged muscles in the case of non-chronic conditions.
At Recovery clinic, physiotherapy specialists will diagnose your ailment and design a treatment tailored to your needs and adapted to your ailment, using state-of-the-art machines to help make the rehabilitation as quick and complete as possible.
In the case of muscle pain, it is best to go to the recommended specialist and, once diagnosed, seek and comply with the recommended treatment to ensure complete recovery and prevent the ailment from becoming chronic.
Through groundbreaking technological development, it is possible to treat inflammations effectively. Our natural body system produces limited levels of bio-carbonate to treat inflammation. The innovative development enables high bioavailability and a high dose to the inflammatory area and thus helps to treat chronic inflammations, fracture fusion, and help to recover from bruises.
Patients reported a significant improvement in the recovery process and the cessation of pain.
Hundreds of companies from around the world tried to face the challenge and develop a product that would treat inflammation. pHdirect allows the arrival and penetration of the body of nanometer minerals combined with carbonate.