Exercises for osteoporosis
Osteoporos is is a systemic disease of bone tissue associated with accelerated removal of calcium from the body. In order to slow down the course of the disease, it is important to carry out a lifestyle correction. In addition to medication and diet, it is important to pay attention to exercises. Fitness improves the absorption of calcium by bone tissue, so it is necessary to choose the optimal set of exercises, depending on the individual characteristics of the body.
Why exercise in osteoporosis?
The positive effects of therapeutic exercise in osteoporosis are as follows:
- Strengthening bone mass through metabolic acceleration.
- Reduced stress on joints and bones due to increased muscle strength.
- Increased endurance and physical strength.
- Improving mood by normalizing well-being.
- Reduced back pain (strong muscles relieve stress from vertebrae).
Spinal osteoporosis exercises aim to increase muscle strength, reduce bone loss, improve coordination, reduce the risk of injury or fall, and normalize a patient's well-being.
What to consider when choosing exercises?
Some aerobic exercises, such as swimming, cycling or stationary exercise, are certainly useful. But to strengthen the bone system more effective exercises with a load (with additional aggravation). The use of additional weight during aerobic training causes additional muscle tension and strengthens the bones.
Regular exercise brings great benefits. But with osteoporosis, or in the presence of other diseases, some exercises can cause serious harm to health. That is why, before starting any type of training, you should consult a doctor and use it to choose the optimal duration and a certain type of exercise that is most useful specifically for you.
Here are two rules to follow:
- any new type of exercise should begin with a minimum load and duration, gradually increasing both the time and intensity of the exercise;
- If you feel any pain or discomfort during your workout, please inform your trainer or doctor immediately.
Which fitness directions and workouts are suitable for reducing the risk of falls and improving the overall condition in osteoporosis?
- Strength training or resistance exercises (with elastic bandage). These exercises improve the sense of balance, increase the strength of the muscles and make the bones stronger.
- Stretching exercises improve flexibility, make movement easier and reduce the risk of injury.
- Tai chi (Chinese popular gymnastics, which uses soft slow movements to relax muscles) improves balance, flexibility and positive mood.
- Medium or low-intensity aerobic loads such as hiking, dancing, walking the stairs, during which additional weight is used, increase muscle strength and coordination.
The key to success is permanence. Only regular training brings benefits. Once interrupted the usual training mode, the effect achieved earlier, significantly lost after 2 weeks and disappears after just a few months.
Consult your doctor before starting your training!