Hypothyroidism, What are the causes and how can it be treated

Hypothyroidism: What are the causes and how can it be treated?
The thyroid gland, also called the protective gland, is at the base of the anterior neck, and is one of the largest glands in the human body. By being an endocrine gland, hormones produce and secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream. The most significant hormones secreted by the gland are thyroxine (T4) and teriodotyronine (3T), which regulate the body's metabolic rate and help the proper functioning of the heart, , muscles, brain and energy utilization. Another hormone that produces thyroid gland is the calcitonin, which is responsible for regulating blood calcium levels.
What does hyperthyroidism mean?
Hyperthyroidism, or its other name, hyperthyroidism, is a condition in which the thyroid gland produces excess hormones. A condition in which hyperthyroidism occurs requires treatment as soon as possible in order to relieve the symptoms and to prevent more serious conditions. Most often, hyperthyroidism results from an increase in the body's metabolic rate.
Common disease in cases of hypothyroidism:
Grave's disease
It is an autoimmune disease that accounts for about 85% of total cases of hypothyroidism. The disease is more common in women aged 60-40 (1 to 8) and is common in women with a family history of the disease. Graves is characterized by hyperthyroidism, along with its enlargement.
The main causes of hypothyroidism
- Gender: Regarding the chances of hypothyroidism, the ratio of women to men ranges from 1 to 7 and 1 to 10.
- Genetics - identical twins: The twin sibling has about 50% probability of contracting the disease if one of the twins is ill. If the twins are not identical, the chance of the incidence of the second twin is about 9%.
- Stress: Considered by many to be the major cause of Graves' disease. Studies have found that the disease is often accompanied by emotional market conditions.
The main symptoms of hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism is a condition that disrupts many systems in the body. The main symptoms that result from hypothyroidism are:
- Nervousness
- Diarrhea
- Weight loss
- Heart palpitations
- Fast pulse
- Sweating
- Insomnia
- Weakness
- Keep an eye out
- Speak lightly
It is important to know that the symptoms of hyperthyroidism vary between each other, and depend, among other things, on the level of hormone secretion.
Conventional treatment of hypothyroidism
It is important to emphasize that a physician should be consulted who will examine each case on a case-by-case basis. In the case of older patients with hypothyroidism treatment with medication may be dangerous and therefore it is mandatory to rule out toxic reactions.
For the treatment of hypothyroidism three main measures:
Pharmacotherapy: In many cases, one year of drug therapy will be enough to overcome hypothyroidism. Most often, the drug treatment for hypothyroidism will be the initial treatment that will be offered to the patient.
Radioactive Iodine Treatment: This oral therapy is widespread, effective and safe. Iodine is an essential component of thyroxine and thiododyronine. Most patients treated with radioactive iodine will later develop hypothyroidism. Among the elderly, the most common cause of hypothyroidism is low iodine intake and increased use of Aminodarone and Antihypertensive drugs.
Surgical treatment: Rarely, the need to cut down the thyroid gland - which occurs mainly if the thyroid is very large or if there is a sensitivity to the medication. Surgical treatment immediately resolves the problem of hypothyroidism, but there are risks arising from potential complications of surgery. Postoperative treatment of hypothyroidism should be taken.
Natural Treatment of Excess Thyroid Activity: Balanced Nutrition and Supplements
When it comes to the thyroid gland, treatment will usually consist of various medications, but it is also important to keep a diet that fits in with the therapeutic procedure. Keep in mind that in hyperthyroidism, the body undergoes increased tissue dissolution resulting from accelerated metabolism, which reinforces the need for a proper and balanced diet that will ease the symptoms.
If you prefer hyperthyroidism in the case of natural hypertrophy, you can put together a balanced diet that includes all the nutrients and is rich in vitamins and minerals. Avoid foods containing iodine (such as seaweed) and stimulating foods and beverages.
What are the foods recommended to increase in your intake?
- Complex Carbohydrates: Due to their richness in dietary fiber, complex carbohydrates help maintain energy available in the body and prevent radical changes in sugar levels.
- Essential Omega 3 Fatty Acids: Found in northern sea fish such as mackerel, flax seeds and salmon.
- Foods containing goitrogens: inhibit thyroid activity and therefore the chance of hypothyroidism decreases. Examples of these foods are cabbage and broccoli.
- Fruits and vegetables: serve as a source of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that help neutralize free radicals and participate in metabolic processes.
- Proteins: Help regulate metabolic processes and build up tissue in the body.
How can Density help with hyperthyroidism?
The natural purpose of treatments for hypothyroidism is to reduce its activity level. Treatments that cause hypothyroidism may lead to a chronic decrease in calcium levels. If you do not consume the recommended daily calcium dose, you may need a nutritional supplement with calcium supplement. It is important to remember that not all calcium that we consume through the food is absorbed in our bodies (varies between different types of food and person to person). So, it is recommended to supplement its values - including in case of hypothyroidism. Density, the amorphous calcium has been shown to be absorbed 2 to 4.6 times more in relation to crystalline calcium carbonate.