The Endocrine Society publishes new guidelines on osteoporosis in menopausal women

As part of a 2019 press conference in Louisiana (USA), the Endocrine Society published new guidelines on the treatment of osteoporosis in post-menopausal women. Other highlights were about the importance of adequate calcium and vitamin D intake.
Head of the Endocrine Committee, Professor Rosen: "About 70% of patients with osteoporosis - abandon treatment as early as the first year"
One in two postmenopausal women will break a bone due to osteoporosis - which will increase the risk of further fractures in the future. However, many of these women are not treated at all: "There is a considerable gap in osteoporosis treatment. Most women will not take any osteoporosis treatments, despite their high efficacy. The hip fracture rate is increasing - which is happening in tandem with a rapid decrease in bone density", says Clifford J. Rosen, director of the Center for Clinical and Translational Research and chairing the committee that outlined the new guidelines for osteoporosis. "We hope the new guide will not only improve patients' health - but will also give them confidence in their treatments and their effectiveness."
Special guidelines on a reassessment of fracture risk
Clinical practice of the Endocrine Society reveals that the benefits of osteoporosis treatment outweigh the risks. Here are the instructions were given to the committee:
- Primary treatment with bisphosphonates should be performed to reduce the risk of fracture.
- Women who have been treated with bisphosphonates for a period of 3 to 5 years: a reassessment of fractures should be performed. If the risk level is low to moderate - treatment with bisphosphonates can be stopped.
- Women at high risk of fracture (including those with multiple fractures) and low BMD: It is recommended to continue treatment, to consider anabolic treatments using (Abaloparatide or Teriparatide), and to follow up every year for up to 3 years.
- Emphasis has been placed on taking calcium and vitamin D for women treated with osteoporosis through appropriate nutrition or supplements.
Compared to the 2017 ACPs guidelines, the Endocrine Society Panel recommends women with osteoporosis 5 years of drug therapy, along with BMD monitoring at that time. Also, ACP guidelines do not include recommendations regarding the use of Abaloparatide, which was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration before these guidelines were published. For patients who are severely affected, the Endocrine Society does not recommend the use of Teriparatide.
So, there is no doubt that the conclusions of the committee are important and that they should be adhered to as far as possible. When it comes to taking calcium through dietary supplements, Density Amorphous Calcium is a medical breakthrough in calcium deficiency and osteoporosis and is absorbed 2 to 4.6 times more than crystalline calcium carbonate.
Have you ever suffered from fractions? Endocrine committee recommendations
"Pharmacological management of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women" is a paper that was first presented on March 25, during a New Orleans press conference held in ENDO-2019. The conference presented recommendations highlighting the need for aggressive treatment of people who have experienced a fracture or several fractures before. In order to improve bone health, it is recommended to maintain a healthy and nutritionally balanced lifestyle. As part of the recommendations, special emphasis is also placed on vitamin D intake (generally recommended for postmenopausal women - and not just osteoporosis patients). These guidelines should encourage physicians to increase patient review and treatment rates.
* Role of endocrine society: Endocrinologists are at the heart of solving the most burning health problems of our day, from diabetes and obesity to infertility, bone health and cancer related to hormonal problems. The company prepares clinical guidance programs and provides evidence-based recommendations to endocrinologists and physicians.