Why is calcium from food alone is not enough?
The amount of calcium also depends on absorption potential.
About 99% of the calcium is in the bones and teeth, and when the diet does not supply the necessary calcium, the body breaks down the calcium from the bones to maintain on the normal level of calcium in the blood and muscle. Therefore, calcium deficiency over the years can cause symptoms and diseases such as bone depletion and osteoporosis.
We've all read articles about calcium-rich foods, but what most often forget about these articles is the fact that calcium from the food is not fully absorbed in the body.
Calcium-rich foods like legumes, broccoli, spinach, leeks, parsley and green cabbage contain additional nutrients that affect intestinal acidity reduces the absorption of calcium in our bodies. Calcium absorption from food can also reach only 4% of the amount excellent in food!
Calcium uptake potential depends on food composition but is also affected by various physiological and hormonal factors such as old age, vitamin D deficiency, low stomach acidity and pregnancy.
Here are some tips for sensible calcium intake:
- Consuming calcium from food in relatively small doses scattered throughout the day will increase its absorption.
- Avoid increased salt intake, as sodium increases calcium excretion in the urine.
- Coke and other sugary sodas are also not recommended because they are high in phosphorus, which causes calcium from the food not to be absorbed.
- In dairy products, both the calcium content and the sodium content must be considered in the label on the product.
- Avoid Smoking - Smoking increases calcium secretion in the urine.
- Avoid consuming high fiber foods and processed meats, which are absorption inhibitors.
- Other absorbent foods are alcohol, chocolate and parsley. Yes, chocolate.
- Avoid low-calorie and unbalanced diets, because beyond being healthy, it also impairs calcium absorption in the body.
In addition, it is important to check from time to time the level of vitamin D in any simple blood test. While it's true that our body can produce enough vitamin D,
but this is only if we are exposed to the sun for about half an hour a day, without sunscreen. The problem is that many people are no longer exposed to the sun,
whether because they work in the office all day, or because of the fear of sun damage, especially among babies and older people.
Therefore, you should periodically check your vitamin D level and if there is a deficiency, your doctor will already advise you to take a supplement.
It is important to remember that despite careful attention to a healthy and high calcium diet, calcium absorption decreases and will continue to decrease with age. For this reason, the amount of calcium consumed in food is usually insufficient, and it is recommended to add Density Amorphous Calcium, which has been proven to have higher absorption than any calcium supplement.
Avoid multiple drinks of coffee and any other caffeinated beverages, as they also contain oxalic acid that increases mineral secretion including calcium.
Density, the Amorphous Calcium is a calcium supplement that is absorbed 2 to 4.6 times higher than crystalline calcium carbonate (For the experiment that shows the better absorption of the amorphous calcium, click here). Density helps more and more people around the world to improve their quality of life by increasing their bone mass or slowing down its rate. Therefore, it is advisable to start consuming the amorphous calcium as soon as possible.