Nano Particles: The difference between micro particles calcium and nano particles calcium is much larger than size.
Over the past 20 years, nanotechnology has become a promising new strategy for diagnosing and treating disease. Historically, nanometric size drug development began as early as 30 years ago and preceded the development of nanometric powders in other fields. Even then, in the medical field, they realized that reduced the size of drugs, could increase their efficacy and especially those provided by inhalation.
The term "nano" is a concept that lives in science and industry: research and applications on the subject are growing, it is no coincidence that many companies use it to brand and promote their products.
What does the term nano mean?
What are nanoparticles? What is the difference between them and micron particles?
How significant is the difference in the potential for cure disease and health problems?
How does this manifest itself in the field of dietary supplements?
What are nanoparticles? And what is the difference between them and micron particles?
Every material is made of atoms that are interrelated in different forms: from gems, metals, wood, synthetic plastics, to the biological potential that our body is made out of. The scale of the atoms is nanoscale.
To understand the difference in size: 1 micron equals 1 / 1,000,000 meters. To be clear, the micron unit is a thousand times the nanometer unit!! (1,000 nm equivalent to 1 micron). To understand even more about small and inconceivable sizes, must know that one millimeter - a tiny unit known to us all - is 1000 times larger than one micron!
The smallest size that a particularly sharp human eye can see is about 10 microns (one-hundredth of a millimeter), so if you can't see a 1-micron particle, you can't see a 1-nm particle.
Although the micron is a very small unit, and an electron microscope is needed to detect it clearly, there are still huge differences between the nano and the micron. The ratio of nanoparticles to micron particles is similar to the ratio between a ball and a soccer stadium (1,000 times smaller).
One of the major advantages of nanoparticles is the ability of the drug/supplement to penetrate the blood system and the body's cells through an active passage through the internal membranes and the cell. On the other hand, microparticles may clog the capillaries and cause it to clot. Using nanoparticles will lead to the launch of a range of effective products that have properties that do not exist on micronized or bigger size materials.
Nano particles are meeting the challenge of bioavailability
One year, around 65$ billion is wasted in the world due to the uptake and low bioavailability of drugs or supplements. Biological uptake is the ratio of the amount of drug or supplement that been taken to the amount that goes into the bloodstream. It follows that the lower the biological absorption, the less effective, the patient will be forced to use the drug or supplement in greater quantity in order to produce the required effect - which also leads to high monetary expenditure.
How do nanoparticles help solve medical problems?
Apparently, the level of biologically active substances in the cell and their body passage are also affected by particle size, as nanoparticles are used in biomedical nanotechnology, allowing for lower doses, improved therapeutic efficacy, targeting specific areas, a functional adaptation of nanoparticles and reaching the desired organ or tissue. Today, nanoparticles are engineered to reach diseased cells and allow direct and focused treatment. This technique is more medically effective, reduces damage to healthy cells in the body, allows earlier detection of the disease, reduces side effects and improves patient quality of life.
Currently, nanoscale drugs are being investigated or developed to treat and treat diseases such as cancer, diabetes and malaria, inflammatory, infectious diseases and more.
Amorphous calcium: It is now clear why this is the new generation of calcium
It is important to know that the basic particles of the amorphous calcium are 20 to 80 nm in size! These are sizes that can pass through the organ membranes and cell walls. Unlike thousands of differences, viruses such as those of the flu, which are 80 to 120 nm in size, are transmitted very efficiently through the air to the lungs, through them to the blood vessels and from there the viruses enter the cells of the body and multiply.
The most common particles of calcium supplements available on the market are of the order of microns up to tens of microns or are crystalline at all. Unlike all calcium supplements available in the market, amorphous calcium is made up of nanoparticles and therefore embodies the capabilities of these sizes as well. Because of its size, as well as the nature of its different and more efficient biological activity, a double and triple effect is created. It is absorbed much better in the body, targeted at the target organ and effective in dozens of the products available on the market. These, in addition to their effectiveness the lower ones do not pass from the gastrointestinal tract to blood until after they first dissolve into calcium ions, and even then, their transfer from the gut to the blood is limited.
The fact that it is an amorphous particle configuration brings to light the benefits expressed at much higher absorption and biological activity levels, along with the high potential for reducing side effects.
Density, the Amorphous Calcium is a calcium supplement that is absorbed 2 to 4.6 times higher than crystalline calcium carbonate (For the experiment that shows the better absorption of the amorphous calcium, click here). Density helps more and more people around the world to improve their quality of life by increasing their bone mass or slowing down its rate. Therefore, it is advisable to start consuming the amorphous calcium as soon as possible.
To buy Density the Amorphous Calcium Carbonate click here
Miller, G. "Nanotechnology, the real science of miracles, the end of disease, aging, poverty and pollution", "Nanotechnology Industries" (2015)
"Nanotechnology in medicine – Nanoparticles in medicine", ""
"Particle Sizes: Sizes of particles as dust, pollen bacteria, virus and many more", "The Engineering Toolbox"
Nazanin, H., Samantha, G., Hongbin, H., Gang, B. "The effect of nanoparticle on in vivo pharmacockinetics and cellular interaction", "PMC: US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health" (2016)